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Why is there no air after installing screen windows?

The ventilation of the windows in the room cannot be separated from the necessity of screen windows. The windows of thousands of households are modified and installed according to local decoration characteristics, and the functions and appearance of screen windows are endless. Some friends have reported that there are many advantages to screen windows, and some customers have said that after installing the screen window, there is no air left.

The mainstream trend for windows installed in real estate projects and secondary replacement windows is to open horizontally, with roller blinds and screen windows being matched in the long run. The rolling shutter screen window is designed according to the light transmission size of the window frame and the width of the surrounding frame, and the screen window frame does not occupy the light transmission space of the window frame. The yarn mesh with high stability and can be rolled back is made of glass fiber material, with a wire diameter of 0.2 millimeters and a mesh size of 18 times 18 mesh. It has multiple advantages such as UV protection, lighting and ventilation, and flame resistance. Therefore, installing invisible screen windows will not result in wind resistance.

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Plastic steel sliding windows come with standard sliding screen profiles. Many years ago, sliding screen windows used nylon mesh with a wire diameter of around 0.4 millimeters and mesh sizes of around 14 mesh. Due to the low cost of grassroots nylon mesh and its service life of about three to five years, its mosquito prevention and ventilation performance is slightly worse than that of glass fiber gauze mesh.

In the past few years, there were frequent haze weather and many manufacturers producing haze gauze. The main function of haze screen is to prevent pollen allergies and block the entry of PM2.5 particles into the room, which can have an impact on the health of special friends. The nuclear pore membrane screen has a feasible anti haze effect. But installing haze screen windows will cause the wind outside the windows to blow in, and can only be used for indoor and outdoor ventilation. Ventilation without anti haze, anti haze without ventilation.

Post time: Apr-10-2023