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The screen windows in the house need not be removed, and the housekeeper aunt uses one move to clean as new


Screen window is a kind of window that many families will install now to prevent mosquitoes from entering the room and keep indoor air circulation.

The advantage is ventilation and insect prevention!

The obvious disadvantage is that it is easy to accumulate dust.

Generally, every window is basically equipped with screens,

The floor screen window in the living room is mainly dusty,

The kitchen screen is more of a mixture of oil smoke and dust, which is more difficult to clean.

But these screens, which originally seemed very difficult to clean, were a trifle in the eyes of the housekeeper aunt.

She cleaned the screen in a long time. And they don’t need to be removed.

We usually choose to remove the screen when cleaning.

And the housekeeper aunt opened my eyes.

How to do it? Let’s take a look

The dusty screen window uses old newspapers

The floor-to-ceiling windows in our living room, as well as the screen windows in the bedroom and bathroom are mostly dust.

Therefore, it is convenient to clean the screen window.

Only one thing you need is old newspapers!

Why the newspaper? Because the old newspaper has a very strong water absorption capacity, the material of the newspaper itself is very absorbent, and can be used to absorb odor.

So the housekeeping aunt also took this point seriously.

I saw that she pressed the old newspaper on the screen window again and again, holding the watering can in one hand, and sprayed it several times, wetting the old newspaper.

Then let the old newspaper stick to the screen window, wait for a few minutes, and spray the old newspaper with water to avoid drying by the wind.

Then you can take off the wet newspaper, and you will find that most of the dust on the screen has been adsorbed on the newspaper.

Then use a warm wet towel and wipe it on the screen window several times to clean it.

be careful! Old newspapers may be scarce at home now, so A4 paper or other thinner paper can be used instead. The effect is the same.

Use warm water and detergent for the screen window with a lot of lampblack

It is difficult to clean the screen window of the kitchen window. But the principle is the same, “suit the medicine to the case”.

In combination with the method of old newspapers, the water sprayed this time is added with detergent with strong degreasing ability. Then the operation steps are the same.

But in order to dissolve the oil better, it takes at least 30 minutes for the newspaper to stick to the screen window.

During this period, the detergent should be added once or twice.

Then take off the newspaper and wipe it with a brush instead of a towel. You can also sprinkle some baking soda on the screen to increase friction.

It can be cleaned in less than two minutes.


Post time: Feb-24-2023